Wednesday, October 13, 2010

proj4js can't find proj4js.js because it's called proj4js-compressed.js

in proj4js there is a getScriptLocation function which retrieves the path of the current script by looping over the script tags in the document. Unfortunately the function won't find the scriptlocation if your script is called proj4js-compressed.js in stead of proj4js.js.

This results in proj4js won't find extra projections, which results in errors in your page when trying to call a non standard projection.

So change the name of the script to proj4js.js (or include the needed projections by hand)

And if you need EPSG:102113 (the Esri alternative for the common mercator projection), copy EPSG900913.js to EPSG:102113.js and change ['EPSG:900913'] to ['EPSG:102113'].

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