Thursday, June 23, 2011

OSGeo hacking event bolsena

It's been a while since i published an article... But here it is.
So i'm spending some days at the OSGeo hacking event in Bolsena.
Listened to some nice presentations about Talend Open Studio Spatial Plug-in, deegree, inspire, openSDMX and Heron-mc. I played a little with deegree. the guys from Bonn really did a nice job implementing the Inspire data schema's. I tested the hydropraphy data schema and the metadata store. Ok, it's not all perfect yet, some Inspire requirements are missing (even for view services), but i'm really surprised nobody is using deegree to host Inspire services up till now. Esri must really be big in Germany. I think it will change soon, because deegree (compared to others) is totally ready for download services.

Also i tested the metdatastore in deegree, since deegree 3 doesn't have a csw-search-interface itself, i used the excat javascript search tool, a very light weight csw-search option. Unfortunately it didn't work out of the box. Somehow excat uses lowercase fieldnames where deegree expected first letter uppercase. With some changes in cswclient.xml and getrecords.xsl it all worked fine (line44 escape should be escapeChar, title -> Title etc)