Friday, December 12, 2008

Coldfusion uses inner db connection when nesting cfquery

When you implement a nested cfquery to different datasources, ColdFusion will use the inner connection for both queries. Symptoms are that tables can not be found: ERROR: relation "mapdef" does not exist

<cfquery datasource="vista_monitoring2" name="x">
select * from mapdef limit 1
<cfquery datasource="vista_wintermanagement_r" name="y">
select * from rides limit 1

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

oracle odbc very slow in ogr/mapserver

Today i converted an adress-table from mysql to oracle (9.2). The data is presented on a map using virtual spatial data over odbc. It appeared the oracle odbc connection was very slow (up to a minute for a couple of records). After a search on google i found some suggestions:
- enable tracing in odbc to see what data is send and recieved (it appeared all the oracle tables where investigated, since there are 100's, it takes a while)
- in this post JF presents a solution 4 this by adding the tablename to the DSN-definition in the ovf file
That helped, response time dimished to fractions of a second

ODBC:me/secret@db,table table


Wednesday, April 02, 2008

Install a routing mechanism on postgis (windows).

based on

download and install
- postgres 8.2 (pgRouting is not yet available as binary for postgres 8.3)
- postgis (comes with postgres 8.2)
- pgRouting 1.0

cd Program Files\PostgreSQL\8.2\bin

//create db
createdb -U postgres -E UNICODE routing
createlang -U postgres plpgsql routing

//load postgis and pgrouting into db
psql -U postgres -f ../share/contrib/lwpostgis.sql routing
psql -U postgres -f ../share/contrib/spatial_ref_sys.sql routing
psql -U postgres -f ../share/contrib/routing_core.sql routing
psql -U postgres -f ../share/contrib/routing_core_wrappers.sql routing

//load datafile generated witd shp2pgsql

//add columns
ALTER TABLE dummy ADD COLUMN source integer;
ALTER TABLE dummy ADD COLUMN target integer;
ALTER TABLE dummy ADD COLUMN length double precision;
UPDATE dummy SET length = length(the_geom);

//create network
SELECT assign_vertex_id('dummy', 0.001, 'the_geom', 'gid');

//optimise table
CREATE INDEX source_idx ON dummy(source);
CREATE INDEX target_idx ON dummy(target);

//test network trace
SELECT gid, AsText(the_geom) AS the_geom FROM dijkstra_sp('dummy', 1, 100);

//update srid (option)
select updategeometrysrid('dummy', 'the_geom', 4326);
update dummy set the_geom = setsrid(the_geom,4326);

//finished! now check out for implementation options!
Blogged with the Flock Browser

SRID stuff in PostGIS

Got these errors?

ERROR: Operation on mixed SRID geometries

ERROR: new row for relation "dummy" violates check constraint "enforce_srid_the_geom"

Be sure all your geometry tables share the same srid! Srid is defined in tabel geometry_columns. update srid in this table using this statement:

select updategeometrysrid('dummy', 'the_geom', 4326);

Next update the srid in the geometries itself using this statement:

update dummy set the_geom = setsrid(the_geom,4326);

check it using:

select getsrid(the_geom) from dummy

select asewkt(the_geom) from dummy limit 10

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Map file export from qgis

In QGis (a desktop GIS client supporting esri-shape, postgis, wms...) you can export a project as a umn mapserver mapfile. When i tried that out yesterday, QGis 9.1 threw an error: map export error:ms_export phyton module not found. I tried replacing by a new one, but that didn't work out. Today i installed QGis 9.2 rc1. In QGis 9.2 ms_export is converted to a real plugin (amongst many other improvements). Also debugging is better, it still threw the same error, but the message was more descriptive! It appeared i forgot to select a project file, in the export-window. Export was succesful!
Blogged with the Flock Browser

Monday, March 17, 2008

CF/Oracle 8; expected NUMBER got DATE

Today i found this error in ColdFusion 7/Oracle 8

Error Executing Database Query. [Macromedia][Oracle JDBC Driver][Oracle]ORA-00932: inconsistent datatypes: expected NUMBER got DATE

It appeared to be the fact that oracle 8 misunderstands <cfqueryparam cfsqltype="cf_sql_bigint"> as a date.

Friday, January 18, 2008

oracle import/export dumps

An easy way to port data from one oracle database to another is import/export (bundled with oracle client software). Open a dos-box/shell and type

exp user/pw@tnsname file=export_data.dmp tables=table1,table2,table3

Import the data again with:

imp user/pw@tnsname file=export_data.dmp fromuser=olduser touser=newuser

  • an export made by an user with dba-rights can't be imported by a user without dba-rights. Export the data with a user without dba-rights
  • You can check a dump-file on having been exported by a dba-user by opening it in Textpath. On the second line the first character is a U for User or D for DBA.
  • an oracle 9 client cannot export data from an oracle 10 database
  • If importing geodata from a 9 to a 10 database, use SDO_MIGRATE.TO_CURRENT(tabname,column_name) to convert the geometries.

Friday, January 11, 2008

optimize mapserver performance

There are several ways to improve UMN-mapserver performance. These are a couple of them:

- Take care that mapserver only draws features which are visible and readable by setting proper scale-ranges for layers. If you have mapserver draw 1000s of features leaving you with a chaotic map which is onreadable, think again.

- For shapedata use the mapserver tool shptree to create a tree index for larger shapes. Mapserver uses the index to find the proper features to draw. The index is saved in shape.qix file. Very usefull is this batch file which indexes all shapes in a directory at once (save as xxx.bat and place in shape directory)

set shptree=""
IF EXIST C:\ms4w\tools\mapserv\shptree.exe (
set shptree=C:\ms4w\tools\mapserv\shptree.exe

IF %shptree%=="" (
ECHO shptree.exe is missing.
) ELSE (
GOTO loopDir

FOR /R %%A in (*.shp) do CALL :Subroutine %%A

ECHO Index: %1
%shptree% %1

- For a set of rasters use gdaltindex (bundled with gdal/ms4w) to index the rasters into a single shape file.

- If you have a set of comparable shapes (like shapes per city in a district). Combine them into one layer using a tileindex (tile4ms tool). Tile4ms uses an input file with all the shape titles to combine. This input file can be generated with a dos-command

dir /b /s *.shp > metafile.txt
If you ever decide to move the shapes to another location. Remember to update the tileindex-dbf since it contains file references.

If you have a very large shape, it's sometimes faster to cut the shape in parts and combine the parts using tile4ms. Imaptools has created a tool, shp2tile, which can automatically slice a big shape into a set of tiles. Shp2tile as windows binary is included in ms4w.