The use case is a polygon fill based on crop cultivar as background-fill color and association (other crop that is mixed in) represented as a hash-pattern on top of the fill.
In geoserver you can add two featurestyles to a layer user style, the first implementing the background fill based on field A and a second style based on field B
<FeatureTypeStyle> ...</FeatureTypeStyle>
<FeatureTypeStyle>... </FeatureTypeStyle>
In featuretypestyle 1 now define the backgroundfill based on field 1
...And in featuretypestyle 2 define the hash-pattern based on field 2
<Fill><CssParameter name="fill">#FF0000</CssParameter></Fill>
<Name>Associated with established perennial crops</Name>
<Stroke><CssParameter name="stroke">#000000</CssParameter></Stroke>
<Stroke><CssParameter name="stroke">#6E6E6E</CssParameter><CssParameter name="stroke-width">1</CssParameter>
This will result in a combined style as follows
A potential challenge here is the legend-display, but the two featurestyles are nicely placed after each other...