Monday, September 24, 2012

Add dutch gridset to Geoserver 2.2

This weekend geoserver 2.2 got released. Besides the obvious novalties, like WFS2 support, new authentication system, able to connect to ldap, a nice feature has been added; the possibility to separate the workspaces as separate endpoints, each having it's own parameters (like title, abstract, point of contact, styles). To get the capabilities for just 1 workspace visit the url http://..../geoserver/workspace_name/wms?request.... To set individual parameters on a workspace check the 'settings' box in the workspace edit form.

Also new is the ability to create a gridset from within the geoserver admin interface, before only the gridsets epsg:4326 and epsg:900913 were available. Now you can easily create a gridset for any projection. The gridset is saved in the geowebcache.xml. For example the gridset for the dutch projection epsg:28992 would look like this (copy paste them in geowebcache.xml), according to the dutch tiling guidelines (by geonovum)

      <description>Scales indicated by geonovum in nederlandse richtlijn tiling v1.0 from june 2010</description>