There is a (german) tool out there by Albrecht Weiser to create a sld from an arcgis project, it used to be hosted by ( but these days it can be found at
Some documentation is provided by vera lindsay:
How to install and use ArcMap2sld:
1. Download v1.2.2 from
2. Download and install Microsoft .NET Framework from here:
3. Unzip
4. To use it open one and only one ArcMap (it lookes for all ArcGIS applications so you can't have catalogue or tools open either).
5. Run /bin/ArcGIS_SLD_Converter.exe. It will default to German so change it to English: Extras>Sprache/Language>English
6. It's prety straight forward from there (at least once you've selected English): select where to save the SLD and other options and click the SLD button on the bottom and whala! Looks like a very nice, clean formated SLD file.
Have a look at