There are several ways to improve UMN-mapserver performance. These are a couple of them:
- Take care that mapserver only draws features which are visible and readable by setting proper scale-ranges for layers. If you have mapserver draw 1000s of features leaving you with a chaotic map which is onreadable, think again.
- For shapedata use the mapserver tool shptree to create a tree index for larger shapes. Mapserver uses the index to find the proper features to draw. The index is saved in shape.qix file. Very usefull is this batch file which indexes all shapes in a directory at once (save as xxx.bat and place in shape directory)
set shptree=""
IF EXIST C:\ms4w\tools\mapserv\shptree.exe (
set shptree=C:\ms4w\tools\mapserv\shptree.exe
IF %shptree%=="" (
ECHO shptree.exe is missing.
) ELSE (
GOTO loopDir
FOR /R %%A in (*.shp) do CALL :Subroutine %%A
ECHO Index: %1
%shptree% %1
GOTO:EOF- For a set of rasters use
gdaltindex (bundled with gdal/ms4w) to index the rasters into a single shape file.
- If you have a set of comparable shapes (like shapes per city in a district). Combine them into one layer using a tileindex (tile4ms tool). Tile4ms uses an input file with all the shape titles to combine. This input file can be generated with a dos-command
dir /b /s *.shp > metafile.txt
If you ever decide to move the shapes to another location. Remember to update the tileindex-dbf since it contains file references.
If you have a very large shape, it's sometimes faster to cut the shape in parts and combine the parts using tile4ms.
Imaptools has created a tool, shp2tile, which can automatically slice a big shape into a set of tiles. Shp2tile as windows binary is included in ms4w.