Thursday, December 20, 2007

UMN Mapserver development tools

Here are some interesting tools to improve your mapfile coding work:

- for mapfile syntax highlighting in Eclipse
- is a plugin for ArcMap
to convert a set of configured layers (mxd) to a mapfile (or axl)
- See all utilities at

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

ColdFusion password reset

Can't enter your ColdFusion administrator anymore, because your brain has a blank where the CF administrator password should be? Try this:

Log into your server with ssh as 'root'

Edit the file /opt/coldfusionmx7/lib/ with your favorite text editor, something like this should work:

vi /opt/coldfusionmx7/lib/

The contents of this file look something like this:

#Wed Mar 30 14:44:26 PST 2005
npassword='#<,(F-# Q

Put your new password after the = signs in the rdspassword= and password= lines, erasing everything after.

Change the encrypted=true line to encrypted=false and save this file A fully modified file might look like this:

#Wed Mar 30 14:44:26 PST 2005

Restart coldfusionmx like this:

/etc/init.d/coldfusionmx restart

this may take up to a few minutes.

Saturday, July 07, 2007

What about JSON

Last year Yahoo introduced JSON. An ajax-alike javascript methodology. I recently used this technique in a website where ajax was not an option, since the server running the website (a .Net cms) was not the same as the server responding to the ajax calls (ColdFusion/Oracle). JSON however can be used in a construction like this (though if everybody starts exploiding it, browsers may close this option in future releases).

JSON is based on
<script src="" lanuage="javascript">

Yahoo offers a tutorial which uses a client-click to introduce a new <script>-tag in the html, performing a new JSON-request.

Another advantage of json is that it's fast! Ajax is xml, it means lots of overhead on your internet-line. JSON however is pure javascript content.

{ "Image": { "Width":800, "Height":600, "Title":"View from 15th Floor", "Thumbnail": { "Url":"http:\/\/\/image\/481989943", "Height": 125, "Width": "100" }, "IDs":[ 116, 943, 234, 38793 ] }}

Monday, May 07, 2007

Waiting for ColdFusion 8

ColdFusion 8 beta is available. The new version offers some very usefull improvements like Step through code debugging in a new Eclipse plug-in debugger and Image creation and manipulation with more than 50 new CFML tags and functions. Next to that they offer better performance, a new tag suporting threading and the introduction of javascript syntax like ++, > and = (in stead of ) For more improvements view the specs

Sunday, March 04, 2007

Fusebox 5 released

Why should you upgrade! Actually why not, Fusebox 5 is backward compatible, so you don't have to make any changes. For me Fusebox 5 has some advantages.
  • Nesting of and is possible.
  • You can use to include a template from a different circuit.
  • Performance has improved (completely build as cfc)

Read about fusebox at

Good to know:

  • Reparse your fusebox.xml using &fusebox.password=dummy&fusebox.load=true
  • has been restyled recently

Saturday, February 03, 2007

Coldfuion interface to mapserver

Siber Solutions offers an CF interface to the Mapscript API via the SWIG / Java API. Now you can ask things like createMap. But also manipulte the layers (setLayerData) in the mapfile the way you want them (in stead of using %var%-variables in the url-request).

Read more at the mapserver wiki

Or download instantly at

Notice that the latest mapserver is compiled for java 1.5, ColdFusion needs java 1.4.

Tuesday, January 02, 2007

drag & drop <li> lists

I bet you always wanted to re-arrange your -internet-map-layers (or pages in a cms) using drag and drop like in arcview. Recently introduced dhtml features allow you to do it. Both Dojo and offer a script which can re-order <ul><li> items using drag and drop.

look at the demo at