Oh man, i hate iis, you can never find what aspect of it is causing a problem, just too many screens and options (each different per os/iis-version). Today i tried to install a mapserver precompiled binary on two servers (one winxp and one win2000).
after starting up by placing the files in the required directories, i found out (type mapserv.exe on the dos-prompt, fix dependencies until: 'This script can only be used to decode form results and should be initiated as a CGI process via a httpd server.') some more dll's were needed (msvcp60.dll (windows runtime) and a libpq.dll (postgis), both found in the
fwtools package). Then all worked fine, on the winxp-test server (calling mapserv.exe as a cgi should result in 'No query information to decode. QUERY_STRING is set, but empty. '). When i repeated the procedure in the win2000 machine up to type mapserv at the dos-promt. But when trying to call mapserv.exe as a cgi things went wrong. First the very descriptive message 'file not found'. Appeared to be a problem with rights, i had to tell this IIS to permit .exe programs (also you have to allow script execution in the folder). When i fixed that i got a blank response on all my requests. I thought iis was the problem, but when i replaced the binary by a slightly newer binary found at
http://fwtools.maptools.org, an answer as expected was shown (but this binary doesn't have oracle support unfortunately). So somewhere in that server is a misconfiguration or dependency, which i can't resolve, because mapserver-logging was not triggered (Does iis have a logging option?).
oh, do i love compiling my own progs in linux, easily add all the options i want, and skip all the utilities i don't need, they only give unwanted side effects.By the way i used gdaltindex.exe (part of fwtools) for the first time today. It is used to make a tileindex of a set op jpg/tiff aerial photo's (and add all photo's as a single layer in mapserver). This really works great: 'c:\profi\fwtools\bin\gdaltindex indexname c:\data\photos\*.jpg'. Be sure to have a world file (did you know all *.tfw (for tiff) *.sdw (for mrSid) can be renamed to *.wld and instantaniously work for jpg's) for each image (type 'copy *.tfw *.wld' at the dos-prompt). If the location of the photo's changes, re-run gdaltindex or open the shape dbf in Excel and search/replace the file location in the location field.
I forgot to tell you about the ora-03113 error, according to resources on the net, it is the error oracle throws when it doesn't know what went wrong. Since we were getting it when creating materialized views on large tables, i suspect it's a memory problem (experts say: try increasing the buffer size... well were can i find the buffer-button?)