Thursday, March 31, 2005

New css stuff

i'm frequently amazed what those dhtml-boys can do with just a little html, javascript and css. check these out:
  • (firefox only) these guys present draggable, resizable stickies (found at
  • shows a pure css menu, but it looks very non-css.
  • Walter zorn created some scripts to enable dynamic drawing in your html-website. Draw a polygon and submit, write the form-fields to your oracle spatial db and a simple red-lining module was born.

By the way, do you need a small, free, windows photo editor and don't want to install the gimp? Try

Wednesday, March 30, 2005

label angle in mapserver

The department of natural resources Minnesota set up a demo-site with some nice features of mapserver. All nicely documented with examples and downloads. Go have a look. Things like label angels dynamix label sizing, automatic rotation for lines(streets), live mapping and dynamic queries. Visit

Tuesday, March 29, 2005

FGS Linux Installer

on a new package (FGS) is available. This package can install all required components to compile mapserver at once on Linux. The following distibutions are supported:
  • Redhat 8, 9
  • Fedora Core 1, 2, 3
  • RedHat Enterprise 3
  • Debian
  • Gentoo
  • Suse 8

The package contains things like apache, php, mapserver, gd, gdal, proj, tiff, jpg and freetype

Extra modules are available like mysql,postgis,chameleon. I hope this package solves some installation problems for some of you. Somebody any idea why suse 9 is not supported?

Thursday, March 24, 2005

alternatives for sqlplus/enterprice manager console

Several alternatives exsist for oracle's sqlplus/enterprice manager console. Some of them free (gpl), some of them commercial.
  • brings a free lightweight oracle client, but unfortunately without support for spatial fields.
  • has a free java client that can connect through jdbc, for that reason it doesn't need oracle client to be installed at the local machine. sqlpal can't show spatial fields either.
  • sells a commercial client which can show spatial fields, and a free client which can not (free license has to be updated every 3 months).
  • sells a commercial client that can connect to lots of databases, including oracle (display of spatial fields unknown). Their free license can connect to mysql, postgres, interbase and sqllite. Very usefull to convert msAccess to MySql

Tuesday, March 22, 2005

Mapserver hosting

It's hard to find an affordable mapserver host. These are the ones i found. From each site i chose the cheapest option.

mapserver hosting
price ?/month disk postgis mysql php 15 500 y y y 36 1000 y y 25 100 y y y 89 1000
y 110
y y y 30 500 n n n 12 300
y y

y y y

y y y

did i forgot your company, send me an email.

webbased ftp client

Lots of you are behind firewalls, or can't install progs... i found a nice solution 4U guys. On the website you can upload and download files from an ftp-server in a webpage.

By the way, wanna see some nice aerials from barcelona, check this out:

Wednesday, March 16, 2005

So you wanna boycot some bad companies...

Go to and subscribe. Choose different companies to boycot and see their share-value go down (and your karma-dollars go up). Bad companies are companies who ruin the environment, earn money on childrens labour or do other bad things to society (like mc donalds, microsoft, Exxon, Ryanair). Good work guys.
After subscribing send me an email and i'll invite you to some boycots (the way to earn karma-dollars)

"name can't be empty"... what?

Somewhere deep in my cfc's i got this message thrown by ColdFusion mx61. The problem appeared simple, Somehow my datasource variable got blank. Cold fusion throws this descriptive error when you ask [cfquery dsn=""]Select...

And now this: while doing CF-webservices 1000 of times already i've seen the CF-quote: '[java.lang.IncompatibleClassChangeError : Dependent CFC type(s) have been modified. Please refresh your web service client.]'. Some discussion can be found on the net, but nobody really can tell what's going on. First try to clean up the webservices cache in cf (use this script). That solved some, but not all problems. I ended up renaming all the cfc's i extend with the webservice and the references to them. That did the trick, but in the end leaves me with cfc's called error23.cfc
i hope so much CF7 solves these issues. Hope to tell you about it soon.

Tuesday, March 15, 2005

Now it's time for some interactivity

Hi, just a little fizzling around with inlinewms

click=zoom in;ctrl-click=zoom out;shift-click=recenter

why guinea? well i've got some family there...

mapserver/oracle on win2000/iis

Oh man, i hate iis, you can never find what aspect of it is causing a problem, just too many screens and options (each different per os/iis-version). Today i tried to install a mapserver precompiled binary on two servers (one winxp and one win2000).

after starting up by placing the files in the required directories, i found out (type mapserv.exe on the dos-prompt, fix dependencies until: 'This script can only be used to decode form results and should be initiated as a CGI process via a httpd server.') some more dll's were needed (msvcp60.dll (windows runtime) and a libpq.dll (postgis), both found in the fwtools package). Then all worked fine, on the winxp-test server (calling mapserv.exe as a cgi should result in 'No query information to decode. QUERY_STRING is set, but empty. '). When i repeated the procedure in the win2000 machine up to type mapserv at the dos-promt. But when trying to call mapserv.exe as a cgi things went wrong. First the very descriptive message 'file not found'. Appeared to be a problem with rights, i had to tell this IIS to permit .exe programs (also you have to allow script execution in the folder). When i fixed that i got a blank response on all my requests. I thought iis was the problem, but when i replaced the binary by a slightly newer binary found at, an answer as expected was shown (but this binary doesn't have oracle support unfortunately). So somewhere in that server is a misconfiguration or dependency, which i can't resolve, because mapserver-logging was not triggered (Does iis have a logging option?).

oh, do i love compiling my own progs in linux, easily add all the options i want, and skip all the utilities i don't need, they only give unwanted side effects.

By the way i used gdaltindex.exe (part of fwtools) for the first time today. It is used to make a tileindex of a set op jpg/tiff aerial photo's (and add all photo's as a single layer in mapserver). This really works great: 'c:\profi\fwtools\bin\gdaltindex indexname c:\data\photos\*.jpg'. Be sure to have a world file (did you know all *.tfw (for tiff) *.sdw (for mrSid) can be renamed to *.wld and instantaniously work for jpg's) for each image (type 'copy *.tfw *.wld' at the dos-prompt). If the location of the photo's changes, re-run gdaltindex or open the shape dbf in Excel and search/replace the file location in the location field.

I forgot to tell you about the ora-03113 error, according to resources on the net, it is the error oracle throws when it doesn't know what went wrong. Since we were getting it when creating materialized views on large tables, i suspect it's a memory problem (experts say: try increasing the buffer size... well were can i find the buffer-button?)

FarCry open cms in cf

Unfortunately one of the greatest open source CF projects is not available in Farcry is a spin-off of the discontinued Allaire Spectra project. Spectra has been used by some large firms, a lot of them switched to Farcry now. It takes some time to get used to the large file structure, but possibilities are limitless.
Read about FarCry at

New gdal version 1.2.6 available

Frank Warmerdam announced last sunday there is a new version of gdal 1.2.6. With one of the most important improvements, support for mrSid. Gdal is the GPL spatial conversion lib used by mapserver to convert all types of geodata to geodata used by Mapserver. Gdal enables oracle,postgis,ecw and much more in mapserver.

Monday, March 14, 2005

Cold Fusion Image manager for htmlarea 2 and htmlarea 3

Before i started using fckeditor, i've been using htmlarea, i've rebuild the phpimage_manager-module to CF. I got some questions to share the code. Here it is. It's a while back, so i'm not sure all off the configuration still is right. The code is based on the Wei-module.


For htmlarea 2 I develloped a basic file manager in coldfusion. Get it here:

Recently the developers of htmlarea discontinued htmlarea 2/3 and removed it from their website. They launched a new site, htmlarea, in which they offer a listing of all kinds of wyswyg editors. htmlarea is only available via the wei-module at sourceforge.

This weekend found a nice initiative:, which must have been around since mid 2004. Unforunately not much is going on in the forums. So i'm curious whether there will be some response on my questions about the two most interesting projects: cfbughunt and cfusergroup. Perhaps the coldfusion community is not used to the world of sharing, since all of them payed a lot to macromedia to get started in the first place and most of them still develop apps for CF on Windows using db's like Access and MsSQL.
But still a nice idea, i wish'm good luck.

Sunday, March 13, 2005

Weird bug in winXP 'no disk in \device\harddisk1\dr12' when starting QuickTime

Another weird micr$oft bug... (or is it a quicktime bug). When starting QuickTime a popup keeps showing up showing the massage 'no disk in \device\harddisk1\dr12' (and none in \device\harddisk2\dr14, \device\harddisk3\dr15, \device\harddisk4\dr18, 12 popups in total).

Microsoft wrote a technote on it, but that didn't work for me...

Finally found an answer on some german site.

They claim QuickTime keeps a list of recently used items and every time QuickTime starts, checks for the items in the list. Some of the recently used items were on removable drives (memory stick). Quicktime (or is it windows) doesn't recognize the removable drive and shows the error.

Solve the problem by clearing the list of recently used items, or remove the file
c:\docs&seetings\all users\appdata\quicktime\QuickTimeFavorites.qtr

Friday, March 11, 2005

Oracle 9i 3D to 2D data for mapserver

Another weird thing we discovered in mapserver / OraSpatial is the fact that mapserver can not display 3D data. Fortunately Oracle has a function to reproject the data to 2D. To prevent that in each query, all the data is converted to 2d, before making the extent-selection we used a materialized view (snapshot) to reproject the data and keep it available for mapserver. In a snapsot all data is copied so it takes a lot of diskspace. In this months oracle magazine, u can read a nice article ( on snapshots.

REFRESH NEXT sysdate + 1
AS select
SDO_LRS.CONVERT_TO_STD_GEOM(i.geometry,m.diminfo) as loc
item i,
user_sdo_geom_metadata m
m.table_name = 'item'
m.column_name = 'GEOMETRY'

In for example Toad, the materialized view is not stored in the list of views, but as a table. However the snapshot can not be removed using drop table, instead use drop materialized view ?item2D? (in quotes). Don?t forget to create a new spatial index on the materialized view (since its not a normal view)

(MDSYS.SDO_DIM_ELEMENT('X', 180000, 220000, 0.005),
MDSYS.SDO_DIM_ELEMENT('Y', 380000, 450000, 0.005)


CREATE INDEX si_ITEM2D on ITEM2D(LOC) indextype is mdsys.spatial_index

Finally installed CFMX 7

We finally got some CFMX 7 servers up and running. Some weird problems occured which we can not find in the macromedia forums: Every time CF starts up (on a SUSE Linux box), it tries to register in the apache config. Occasionally the server hangs when it finds out it has already been registered.

Well this is a moment we've been waiting for quite a while. Major issues fixed in this release are:
  • Better cfc/Web services support (as we found out unfortunately not all the wishes of the community)
  • querynew function can finally set fieldtypes for colums (and it works great!).
  • cfdocument and cfreport can easily create pdf docs of db-content (first tests look great, support for divs)

Mapserver project 4 Mambo CMS

Recently a mr Ye Shakka started a new project to bring GIS (UMN mapserver) to the popular world of Mambo CMS (PHP/MYSQL). Off course we encourage the efforts of mr Ye Shakka, but wouldn't it be nicer to integrate exsisting projects into Mambo, like mapbender, chameleon or very basic solutions like inlineWMS and WMC.

Afterall a good moment to join the Mambo community, however when i tried to subscribe the system failed and sent me a blank confirmation email.